
One Kind Kiss The One Kind Deed Series, #2【電子書籍】[ Christine DePetrillo ]





<p>Noah Williams has been in love since the third grade, but he's settled for Best Friend status for thirty years. He keeps himself busy by working at Brenton Sawmill in Maplehaven, Vermont and taking care of his grandmother who raised him after his mother died. Without Nana, he's sure he wouldn't have made it this far, and now Noah is returning the favor. Life is good, but would it be better if he put complications aside and shed his Best Friend status?</p> <p>Krista Davidson runs the business side of Birch Peak Adventures with efficiency and precision while raising her son, Luke, with all the love she has to offer. She's all he has since his father has been classified as MIA for the past five years. Krista's been waiting for her soldier husband to return, but even when he'd been home in Vermont, there had been a distance between them. At least Luke has Krista's two best friends, Noah and Dakota, for positive male role models.</p> <p>When Luke finds himself in danger early one winter morning, Noah leaps in to rescue him, risking his own life in the process. Krista's eyes are opened to everything Noah has to offer her and her son. Maybe the line between friends and more than friends isn't as solid as Krista thinks it is.</p> <p>Is one kind kiss enough to change friends into soul mates?</p> <p>The One Kind Deed Series</p> <p>One Kind Heart, Book One</p> <p>One Kind Kiss, Book Two</p> <p>Other Series by Christine DePetrillo</p> <p>The Maple Leaf Series, contemporary romance (6 books)</p> <p>"Fears, pride, love, passion ~ beautifully woven together with substance and depth."</p> <p>The Shielded Series, sci-fi romance (3 books)</p> <p>"Great world-building, excellent emotional depth, and a great ending..."</p> <p>The Warrior Wolves Series, paranormal romance (5 books)</p> <p>"Full of memorable characters with a solid plot and plenty of passion."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:450円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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