
One Kind Wish The One Kind Deed Series, #6【電子書籍】[ Christine DePetrillo ]





<p>Jorden Demetri cooks up delicious dishes night after night as head chef in Albero's Restaurant and keeps Maplehaven's diners well fed. He also feeds the hungers of interested women whenever the opportunity presents itself. Or at least he did, but lately that hobby feels more and more empty. He's been considering taking himself off the menu ever since he's developed a thirst for somethingーor someoneーdifferent.</p> <p>Diana Rosalen serves cuisine to Albero's customers with a smile when she's not caring for her baby girl, Camilla. Ever since she left her abusive boyfriend in Paris, she's enjoyed the welcoming embrace of the Vermont woods, thanks to her brother taking her in. She's determined to give her daughter the best life possible and that includes starting her own organic baby food company. It might even include finding a good father for Camilla if someone wants the job.</p> <p>When Jorden is at the right place at the right time to help her, Diana sees another side of the sexy chef. Maybe there is more to him than his vast dating history suggests. Perhaps he can handle a single mother and her daughter, and the three of them can build the family they all deserve.</p> <p>Is one kind wish enough to make dreams come true?</p> <p>The One Kind Deed Series, contemporary romance</p> <p>"I want to live in this town! The characters were so real!"</p> <p>Other Series by Christine DePetrillo</p> <p>The Maple Leaf Series, contemporary romance (6 books)</p> <p>"Fears, pride, love, passion ~ beautifully woven together with substance and depth."</p> <p>The Shielded Series, sci-fi romance (3 books)</p> <p>"Great world-building, excellent emotional depth, and a great ending..."</p> <p>The Warrior Wolves Series, paranormal romance (5 books)</p> <p>"Full of memorable characters with a solid plot and plenty of passion."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:450円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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