
One Kind Word The One Kind Deed Series, #7【電子書籍】[ Christine DePetrillo ]





<p>Marco Vieira serves his customers at Cups Caf? with a smile even though he'd rather be working on his novel. Recently, however, he's having more success making specialty BLT sandwiches for the citizens of Maplehaven than adding any words to his manuscript. He's tried all the tricks to get over writer's block, but nothing seems to work. He can't find any inspirationーin writing or in relationships. His friends have all found their soul mates, but he's still staring at the blank pages of his love life.</p> <p>Shaina Windsor needs money. If she doesn't get some cash soon, her very sick twin sister, Heather, isn't going to survive. Shaina has to find a way to afford medical treatment for Heather before she loses her only living relativeーand her best friend. Out of funds and nearly homeless due to their late Aunt Patty's financial debts, the sisters arrive in Maplehaven in a rusty RV, hoping for a miracle.</p> <p>When Shaina eyes Cups Caf? as a potential source of money, she decides desperate times call for desperate measures. What she doesn't expect is to play the role of hero when she discovers Marco is still inside the caf? after hours and in trouble. Her next move could mean life or death for both of them.</p> <p>Is one kind word enough to write a happy ending?</p> <p>The One Kind Deed Series, contemporary romance</p> <p>"The town, the people, the love story... a perfect romance."</p> <p>Other Series by Christine DePetrillo</p> <p>The Maple Leaf Series, contemporary romance</p> <p>"Fears, pride, love, passion ~ beautifully woven together with substance and depth."</p> <p>The Warrior Wolves Series, paranormal romance</p> <p>"Full of memorable characters with a solid plot and plenty of passion."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:450円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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