
Wolf Vow Warrior Wolves, #3【電子書籍】[ Christine DePetrillo ]





<p>Warrior Kole McMannus has been traveling across the country in a time that is not his own, searching for his brother. Since the day a Celtic goddess banished him from his home in Ireland, he’s battled wolves, wandered from state to state, and nearly lost all hope of being reunited with his kin. When he lands in Vermont and finds two of his cousins living the good life, however, he picks up new energy to continue his quest. Getting back to his old life with his brother is within his reach… if he still wants to grab it.</p> <p>Singer and fiddler Emma Rhodes has a dream to launch her Celtic rock band, Hendrake, to international fame. She and her three band mates have been giving their all to this cause, including a trip to Deer Creek Inn in the quiet woods of Vermont to write new material. It will only take one song to make their fantasies a reality. Without distractions maybe they can finally find the tune to take them to the top.</p> <p>Or maybe Emma will find a new distraction.</p> <p>When Kole and Emma meet over breakfast at the inn, he can’t get her scent out of his nose and she can’t forget the dazzling blue of his eyes. A run in the dark woods could change everything.</p> <p>Making wolf vows is easy. Keeping them is harder.</p> <p>Warrior Wolves Series</p> <p>Wolf Kiss, Book One</p> <p>Wolf Fire, Book Two</p> <p>Wolf Vow, Book Three</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:421円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)


