
More Than Pizza The Maple Leaf Series, #4【電子書籍】[ Christine DePetrillo ]





<p>Book Four in The Maple Leaf Series</p> <p>Detective Daxton Wilder only wants one thingーto see Boston mob boss Richard DiNoble behind bars. After spending time undercover in DiNoble’s organization, Dax is close to reaching his goal. Only DiNoble is a step ahead. When Dax wakes up, he has two bullet holes in him from the mob boss, and his twin brother, Harris, has dumped him at Liberty Hill Nursing Home. Pissed at the bucket of suck his life has become, Dax vows to get out of Liberty Hill as fast as he can.</p> <p>Until his physical therapist walks in.</p> <p>Shaylee Keene, Liberty Hill’s top physical therapist, can only charm men eighty and older. That much is clear. Her last boyfriend delivered the painful news that he wasn’t attracted to her anymore. Out of the blue. As if it had just occurred to him one morning that she no longer satisfied him. What if she couldn’t satisfy any man? What if she was destined to be alone forever? What if no one ever wanted her?</p> <p>Now she has a new patient.</p> <p>As Shaylee works with Dax and the pair tries to avoid DiNoble’s revenge, they find that nothing mends a broken bodyーand lonely heartsーlike falling in love.</p> <p>The Maple Leaf Series:<br /> More Than Pancakes<br /> More Than Cookies<br /> More Than Rum<br /> More Than Pizza</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:421円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)


